ICT Spring 2012@Luxembourg - Special guest post! - startupolic
For the first time of startupolic short existence, I’ve decided to invite Miguel Molina, CEO of MySollars (on which I’ve blogged here some time ago), to share his experience attending ICT Spring 2012 in Luxembourg (I was unfortunately not able to attend). If you were going to ask me about the profile of people that attended the ICT Spring Event in Luxembourg, I would not hesitate with the answer, clearly, a little bit of everything! According to the official numbers, over 3’000 people attended and such a volume clearly gave the event the bandwidth to have salt and pepper, and a few other spices. We had startups, medium IT companies and large Telco companies on one side, all of us fighting for the consideration of attendants that were listening to presentations and discussion panels from ICT related experts, such as ...